Tapping Circle at Agape 4/17/2014

I have been reading Mind over Medicine by Lissa Rankin, MD on the importance of being able to turn off the stress response with relaxation so the body can heal and do repair work. Tapping is one way to calm the body/mind connection to be able to think, respond and heal. Tapping in a group or with just one other magnifies the effect. Take a moment to think of all the ways you can calm the stress response: meditating, singing, walking, creating, and laughing. In my practice forgiving myself is first so I can be present for others. My first two years of Tapping practice were singing this Forgiveness Song and tapping! I had so much self judgement and blame it tending to scatter to others. I was in a judging vibration and so moving into “I forgive me, I forgive me. Everything that I’ve been holding onto,I let go. I surrender, I surrender, I’m ready for my change.”

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Stressful times=more tapping!

“Our body as a whole experiences every emotion that we have.” Alberto Villoldo. This is from the neuropeptides that wash through our bloodstream responding almost instantaneously to every feeling.

If it is anger, fear, or anxiety rather than love we need to tap so the feelings don’t get stuck in our body’s energetic meridian system sending us into STRESS.

When we are in fight or flight mode our body is in hyper alert and there is no calm to think, respond, or heal. Feelings stuck within us may have come up when we were children unable to express them due to the environment around us. Tapping gently with the fingertips is a pzsioelectric vibration that allows this release whenever it resurfaces. The emotion can be connected to a pattern of interactions and keep repeating until it can be tapped out. 

Any challenges you are experiencing whether it is pain, money, relationships, home or work environments, can be related to your chi energy stuck somewhere in the past. Now is the time to tap it out on the 9 acupuncture points beginning with the Change/Karate point on the side of the hand. Get an idea of how strongly you feel on a scale of 1-10 to recheck as you complete a round of tapping. Tap the statement: Even though I feel this (sad, mad,guilty,hurt)…….about this situation, I DEEPLY LOVE, ACCEPT, & FORGIVE MYSELF, repeated 3 times while tapping on the Change point. Continue tapping on the other 8 points beginning with the eyebrow point.

Contact Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Georgia Bradley for a private in depth session or gather a small group in your area. 310 430 9445 see below for TappingSolution.com’s tapping point chart. Thank you Nick & Jessica Ortner.

georgiabradley2009@gmail.com  & www.facebook.com/TappingWholeness 



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Change Happens

Change Happens

The only thing we can be sure of is Change. We are ever evolving and sometimes it feels like ‘sh__’ happens, not just change. I have ideas on what ‘should’ happen and when that is turned upside down I can become pretty angry and frustrated. Then it is time to tap so the feelings don’t get stuck in my body’s energetic system and I am at peace to meditate and pray. 

Often we label our emotions and feelings as good or bad and they just are-informing us of what energies are moving through us. Anger can be a call to action, fear a call for protection or changing course. 

Feelings stuck within us may have come up when we were children unable to express them due to the environment around us. Tapping gently with the fingertips is a pzsioelectric vibration that allows this release whenever it resurfaces. The emotion can be connected to a pattern of interactions and keep repeating until it can be tapped out. 

Any challenges you are experiencing whether it is money, relationships, home or work environments, can be related to your chi energy stuck somewhere in the past. Now is the time to tap it out on the 9 acupuncture points beginning with the Change point on the side of the hand. The statement: Even though I feel this (sad, mad,guilty,hurt)…….about this situation, I DEEPLY LOVE, ACCEPT, & FORGIVE MYSELF, repeated 3 times while tapping on the Change point is the opening for shift to happen rather than ‘sh….’! 


Contact Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Georgia Bradley to facilitate your own in-depth process of emotional release through word, melody & tapping.

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Letting Go of “Shoulds”

Inner Visions by Georgia Bradley Oct.2010
Quote: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus Holy Bible
Let go of Shoulds!
         Rev. Michael often speaks about not “shoulding” on yourself. He suggests we make choices based on love and joy, not duty and ‘have-tos’. In my own internal dialog, when I hear myself saying I should do something, my alarm bell goes off and I stop and make a real choice not a should.
         I just lately realized that I have been projecting shoulds onto circumstances and conditions. The Agape Preschool should look this way.  My co-workers should behave a particular way. I have also been shoulding myself without using that alarm triggering word. I have been thinking I should have my life more together by now. I should have more income. I should have a retirement plan in place. And the list goes on with the guilt attached. The truth of the matter is that nothing is the matter. All is in Divine Right Order unfolding for my highest good. On the deepest level I know I am blessed and a blessing.
         How to bring this blessing into my awareness and release my unconscious ‘shoulding’? For me it is Tim McAfee Lewis’ song: I forgive me, I forgive me, Everything that I’ve been holding onto I let go. I surrender, I surrender, I’m ready for my change. I’m ready for my change. (Sometimes I sing I am ready for my good.) Doing meridian tapping (EFT) while singing this song moves that guilt energy in a profound way so it can be released.
         At 64, I am just now releasing stored guilt and unforgiveness of myself from 35 years ago. We each have our own stories. Is there a part that is binding you to the past? Cut the strings and sing and tap your way free to love yourself!
Affirmation: I forgive myself and allow the love that I am to be the expression today.
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Know a troubled kid? Get & Give Help Now!

Know a troubled kid? Get help NOW!

No more Adam Lanzas..no more isolated and disconnected children who grow up angry and lash out. No more mother’s fearful of their own children. It takes a village to raise a child; it takes a community to raise a man. Where are you in this community? Speak up for the children who have seemingly lost their voices and speak with violence instead.
We are so connected that any disconnect felt by another has consequences for each one of us. We all mourn the children lost at Sandy Hook Elementary and all the others who have died as ‘collateral damage’. It is time to give up ‘firing arms’ and use our hugging arms instead.
It has been written that we are always in LOVE or in FEAR. One way to connect to love is through play. Playing a game, playing by the beach or in the forest, playing a game that includes everyone who wants to play! There are many cooperative games available where everyone’s talents are incorporated. Let’s flood the market with games that include not exclude.
Anxiety? Dance and move to the music. Start tapping…your foot, your fingers, the whole experience of Tapping Your Wholeness Within. Your body is a river of electrical energy fueled by your thoughts that magnetize the emotions that match the thoughts. You are a magnet for what you think! How to change what you think and old emotional patterns that run the fear flood in your body’s rivers? Begin with tapping on your body’s change point-the ‘karate’ point on the side of your hand. Wake up the river that a new thought is being launched with the statement: Even though I feel so angry about…(or sad, or afraid), I STILL DEEPLY LOVE, ACCEPT, AND FORGIVE MYSELF.
Then tapping on 8 specific acupressure points, the thought energy attached to the the emotion is moved and dissipated. The body can let go of the anxiety and tension so peace is restored to the body/mind/spirit. We finally have a human body manuel on how we function and we can make the attunements to align our emotional, mental, and spiritual natures. Find a tapping or EFT group in your area and begin making the shift for yourself into the true JOY of being fully expressive not oppressive. Your willingness to change is the open door for every member of your community to be included. by Georgia Bradley

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Tapping as a spiritual practice

Tapping – Emotional Freedom Technique also known as Meridian Tapping is a pathway and practice to expanded awareness of our Divine Essence, of the Wholeness of our Being, of our multi-dimensionality. EFT engages our thinking mind, and our physical feeling body, to affect/release/clear/transmute the disruptions in the body’s energy that cause our emotions. As we tap on the meridian points of the body, feel our emotion and speak about it, we restore the energy flow to it’s natural, balanced and harmonious state.

It’s helpful to realize how the limiting thoughts, beliefs and perceptions including separation from our Source can affect the energy disruption in the body and ’cause’ the negative emotion which can then feed additional negative thoughts or reinforce negative beliefs and perceptions in the thinking surface mind. When we can remember and just start tapping on the body’s meridian points and allow our awareness to feel the emotion, we can expand (or go deeper) into heart/mind awareness where our Divine Essence dwells and we can ‘tap’ into it to en-lighten and emotionally clear our awareness…if only we would… = )

We meet at Agape International Spiritual Center on the 3rd Thursday of every month for the EFT Meridian Tapping Circle, 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm in the Room 1 (teen room).  A $20 Love Donation is gratefully accepted. http://www.agapelive.com/index.php?anchor=calendar&cal_month=11&cal_year=2012&cal_cat_id=0&sx=0&sy=0&cal_event_id=2431&cal_event_date=1352966400&cal_clipboard_event=

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The Rhythm of Life


When I awoke this morning, I thought about the simple rhythms of life: waking, sleeping, eating, bathing, eliminating, and moving the body. These rhythms are the basis of our physical life yet it is the emotions and qualities of Spirit that animate the body! Fear is directly connected to the physical reptilian brain; we go into flight or fight when our physical form is threatened. When we were facing a saber-toothed tiger, this response could save our physical life. Now when we are at work and the boss or coworker says something that brings on this same response, it harms our physical body,  rather than saving the body. 

Our emotions of fear and anger, flood our body with adrenalin so we are ready to protect our territory and our life. The flight or fight response of our body shuts down energy to the brain and focuses all the energy to the muscles. 

Now imagine events occurring all through our lives that leave a residue in the energy rivers of the body. Chinese Acupuncture has mapped these channels and when needles are applied in a specific way, blocked energy lines or meridians are opened up, restoring energetic flow. Energy is unseen and yet when Chi is flowing, you feel it! Now we have the option of tapping with our fingertips on 9 specific points on the body to release any emotional baggage in our energy lines. 

Each one of us is Whole, Complete, and Perfect on the invisible plane within and yet too often we focus only on what our physical senses relate to. Tapping on your energetic lines may remind you of events that you can watch as if observing a play. The emotions can pass through you and dissipate. Now the emotional buttons that used to bring about that old flight or fight response are calmed. 

I love tapping because it is always available for action when you are agitated by situations or events. You can DO something that supports your growth without harming your physical body or anyone else’s. Release fear, pain, and anger from the NOW moment and clear old responses that maybe triggered by what is occurring right now.

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Hello world!

Greetings, this is a blog as it name states about tapping the Wholeness Within, authored by Gwen Abel and Georgia Bradley.  We are Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioners (ALSP) through the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, California, practicing the New Thought Ageless Wisdom teachings of Agape. These teachings include the spiritual principles that All are One and each person is an individualized expression of the One Source of All Creation and as such we are an expression of Wholeness, it is within us and as us.  To access or tap into the Wholeness that is within us we use the spiritual practices of meditation, prayer, visioning and meridian tapping for energy clearing, specifically emotional energy clearing. Known to many as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), tapping on the meridian or energy lines of our bodies frees us to expand our conscious awareness as we clear negative emotions that block our awareness.  Tapping allows us to bring Light and Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness to our human shadow and consciously  reclaim and reveal our Wholeness as our life, our body, our very Be-ing.

We invite you to join us on this path of our individual and collective Spiritual Journey – a path to Freedom, Unconditional Love, Remembering that which is already Within – Wholeness.


Gwen and Georgia

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