Change Happens

Change Happens

The only thing we can be sure of is Change. We are ever evolving and sometimes it feels like ‘sh__’ happens, not just change. I have ideas on what ‘should’ happen and when that is turned upside down I can become pretty angry and frustrated. Then it is time to tap so the feelings don’t get stuck in my body’s energetic system and I am at peace to meditate and pray. 

Often we label our emotions and feelings as good or bad and they just are-informing us of what energies are moving through us. Anger can be a call to action, fear a call for protection or changing course. 

Feelings stuck within us may have come up when we were children unable to express them due to the environment around us. Tapping gently with the fingertips is a pzsioelectric vibration that allows this release whenever it resurfaces. The emotion can be connected to a pattern of interactions and keep repeating until it can be tapped out. 

Any challenges you are experiencing whether it is money, relationships, home or work environments, can be related to your chi energy stuck somewhere in the past. Now is the time to tap it out on the 9 acupuncture points beginning with the Change point on the side of the hand. The statement: Even though I feel this (sad, mad,guilty,hurt)…….about this situation, I DEEPLY LOVE, ACCEPT, & FORGIVE MYSELF, repeated 3 times while tapping on the Change point is the opening for shift to happen rather than ‘sh….’! 


Contact Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Georgia Bradley to facilitate your own in-depth process of emotional release through word, melody & tapping.

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